Monday, December 28, 2009

Storing Christmas Ornaments

I saw this neat storage idea in the book I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas and thought it was brilliant! So I have been saving our local egg guys cartons this summer for this purpose. All of our tiny ornaments will all be tucked away in their own little area this year.

We didn't even use these ornaments this year... our tree was all the paper and recycled ornaments that we made. I was planning to take a picture, but the tree looks like I have two kittens and a toddler looks awful.

Several times this season I saw Logan happily standing at the tree and chanting "just one finger, just one finger..." as he poked the ornaments as hard as he could, knocking them right off the tree.

The kittens were good as long as we were up and around the house... but I would often wake in the morning to ornaments that doubled as 'pray' and saw many that were smacked around. Because you know, the tree wasn't actually decoration, it was a 'cat toy storage device'.

Between them there is not a single ornament on the bottom two feet of our Christmas tree. Other than that, it looks pretty. lol! And I am glad to say that my ornaments pictured here were kept far from harm all season in their own handy dandy egg carton containers. I will be happy to pull them out next year.


Annette said...

What a great idea! We have tons of egg cartons I've been hoarding for no particular reason, and this is a perfect use for them. Thanks so much for posting this.

Anna Smith said...

I actually think this site needs considerably more consideration. I’ll more likely be once more to see a great deal more, thanks for that information.


Anna Smith said...

Several times this season I saw Logan happily standing at the tree and chanting "just one finger, just one finger..." as he poked the ornaments as hard as he could, knocking them right off the tree.
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