The kid's kitchen is almost done! It was so easy to make I was surprised. I made it out of a couple boards that I found in my dads garage, and some craft stuff from Home Depot. The plans were these ones: FamilyFun: Kids Sized Kitchen I was really happy I got to pull off such an earth friendly version. Now just need to find a faucet.
Heather and I got together and got them this awesome set of kitchen stuff. She said she had tons of fun picking all the stuff out from goodwill. Some of it is really great stuff!
I also got a whole bunch of play food from Waldorf What a great site!!

Val, I love it!
How did I not know your archives went back this far?? I thought I had read it all :)
Have a great weekend!
Working on your wash cloths hoping you like the colors....they are earth tone-ish if that makes any sense.
Oh yeah. I started blogging when the world was still flat. ;) The kids loved this kitchen for over two years before the front broke off of it and we gave it away and I made her last one. It has been a 7 year long legacy of play kitchen after loved play kitchen (loved: abused lol!)
Love Val
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