They are a favorite in the garden. I have two bushes... one that is sweet (the one pictured) and one that is less sweet, but has a better texture for drying. I am told that in the next year these will cross polinate and make great currents for drying that are sweeter next year... so this is what I got. The plants are still small... if I get a cup of dried currents I will feel victorious! lol... but I can't wait until we have our own house and I can plant them in the ground. As it is they are in large pots in the garden area, making the corner look beautiful with their fruitfulness. I have a red current also, I will need to move it soon, but it isn't fruiting yet. I just took a bit from my moms old plant and put it in the ground. I have high hopes for next year as the red ones are Alex's favorite.
Thank you!
Hey you! Great new blog!
Currants are a big deal over here. I helped to plant roughly 2000 red currant starts this winter for our friends BD farm. They are doing beautifully and black ones are on their way for next year!
- Katie
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