A fun part of cold spring days is the lazy bees.
They just hang out on the blossoms, sampling a bit of the wonderful nectar that flows slowly on these cooler mornings. It isn't quite as sweet, it isn't quite as sticky, but on these mornings the busy bees flutter around, quietly and slowly doing their work. There is no frantic race to get to the next blossom...

The borage is another thing of beauty in your magical garden!
Thanks ladies! I LOVE these shots. I sat there forever waiting for the bees to come back and when they did they just sat there for about 6 or 7 minutes... RIGHT in front of me... who wouldn't take pictrues? (There were actually two bees here... a honey bee (shown) and a bumble bee, which you can see in the background in a couple unposted shots).
Oh, love the borage. What do you use yours for? I grew some last year for tea, but it got HUGE and was spiny! I want to try again...always so many lovely plants in your garden, always a joy.
I use them in all sorts of things all summer. They look awesome in pink lemonade with fresh rasberries from the other side of the yard. ;) But mostly I just eat the flowers. They are a great source of essential fatty acids and are also a antidepressant... they bloom all through winter here (until about Jan usually) and then are back up around April, so I eat them. A handful here and there is wonderful. They are sweet too. :)
Ah, yum. I think we tried them last year in lemonade once, but mostly did tea. I haven't tried just eating them yet!
Must be wonderful to have such a long growing season!
your borage pics are wonderful! I would like to grow some to to eat, I hear they are a good womans herb. Do they prefer full sun or do you think I could get them to grow in a shady yard? (found your site through Tara of sewing mamas!)
Those pictures are incredible! Stunning! I would frame them and hang them on a wall.
Beautiful images!!!
I come to this blog because was looking for garden images.
Nice blog, It shows there are people who is able to understand and enjoy the spiritual beauty of this life...
From Costa Rica
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