This was the highchair I got at Goodwill last month for Logan... I had had my eye on
one at Toys R Us for $140... but finding this gem for $12 I couldn't pass it up. But it really needed somethings. Some cleaning, some oiling the all metal parts that went out of style sometime in the late 70's, tightening the screws, etc. Then I looked at it. I needed to claim it as mine... I could have pee'd on it, but I didn't think that would have given it the "crafty stay at home mom" look I was thinking of. So I came up with something else. It took me a month to do this. Every thing moves SO slow when you have a baby who learned to crawl at 5 1/2 mos. He is FAST now... pulling things down off shelves, climbing, trying to pull himself up... yep. He is 6 1/2 mos TODAY. I don't know what I am going to do if he walks early. YIKES...
...but I got it done tonight. I thought it turned out cute and wanted to share.

What do you all think? (Please ignore the pucker in the middle of the seat seam. I was NOT taking that seam out... I triple stitched it before I flipped it.)

My camera has decided to be pissy tonight. The tree is actually a light blue fabric with sage green vines on it.
And the idea that shook the whole house. A pocket for Logans bibs in the back!! I felt SO creative...lol!
That is so beautiful, your talents never cease to amaze me!!!
Love it. You are amazing! Feel free to email me if you want to chat about homeschooling your q-t-pie (or anything else). knitmoka at gmail dot com.
you are my inspiration1
Thank you! I love it... it keeps him from sliding down under the tray and looks good. What more can you ask for?
Next is on to quilts and lunch sack combos... I have now added cloth lunch napkins to my sets. *Muahaha!*
I know this is an old post but I am catching up this morning (since my routine is ALREADY blown because the kids got sick last night and are sleeping in).
That pocket is brilliant. Brilliant.
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