Monday, August 20, 2007

It's done!



Katie said...

Great job! What fun for the kids!!!

KnitMoka said...

Once again, you are amazing! Do you have a cover for it, or are kitties not a problem in your neck?

Anonymous said...

Detailed instructions woman!

Val in the Rose Garden said...

Hobbies of a Domestic Goddess: Back Yard Modifications Step #1#links

This is where I got the idea... and I just made sure the logs were deep enough to not knock over when the kids step on them. The ones on the rt are done a bit better than the ones on the left... in fact Cyan fell into the sand box when we were filling it with sand because I didn't have one dug in deep enough, so I did it again. Some people have said that they wouldn't do this because of the falling... but I figure, after the rest of the sand is in (we need about 4 more bags) and the grass grows back around the logs it will be pretty darned stable. I also am planning on belt sanding the tops of them and then sealing them with linseed oil. It should be able to stand against the ages then. :) I love it. I am a bit worried about cats, so we put the little swimming pool over it for tonight and I will make a PVC and green house plastic cover sometime soon to make it easier for the kids to put on and off than the big swimming pool.

Dannielle said...

That is the most beautiful sandbox ever! (who knew there WAS such a thing as a beautiful sandbox?!?!)

Heather said...

It's beautiful, Val! I'm sure it will be enjoyed for years to come.

(do you have a cover for it?)

Heather said...

Oops, I see what your plan is for covering. Sounds like a good plan.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a beautiful sandbox!! Such a peaceful place to play!! Great work!

TopazGirl said...

Oh Val, this is lovely! I've never seen a nicer sandbox..although I might call it a sand garden. So much better than a red plastic crab, lol!

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