I have joined a Dinner Co-op. It has been great for the most part, but I am not cooking much that is mine. Even the one above is only supplemented by me. The chicken noodle soup was from a friend. I added parsley, a cube of bouillon, and the noodles... and that was it.
The food posts aren't gone. But with the once a week cooking, they won't be often... last week I made my "Best Chili Ever", so I couldn't even post that because it's already up here. It was a cinch to adapt that one for the co-op though. I was surprised. I just put the cans of kidney beans, the can of black beans, the can of corn, and then saute'ed the onions, garlic, and peppers with all the spices... put them on the bottom in a 9X13 inch Pyrex brownie pan. Added two Tbs chili powder on top, and told them to add 2 Tbs butter, and 2 cups water. It worked out perfect (because of course, I made one for us too). I was stunned. I totally thought that them sitting, half cooked, for two days would ruin them, but I got nothing but rave reviews so far. Yay!
How does this work? Shannon
The 5 of us meet at a Starbucks on Sunday night, and we each make 5 of whatever meal we are scheduled to make that week and bring it with us in marked 9X13 Pyrex baking dish. We plan 3 months at a time, meeting two weeks before the menu runs out, and plan what we are having.
We have a few rules that we keep to, but nothing is written in stone and we have been able to stay very sweet and gracious with each other.
It works out wonderfully for me.
Oh wow, what a unique plan. I bet that is also at tremendous time saver AND cash saver. Way cool! Shannon
Yes it has been. I have found that I am eating a much more meat filled diet though, as we are each trying to cater to 25 people at a time. It is easy to fall into "easy, unhealthy, taste good" stuff. There are two of us that are vegetable concious, and then one that is just a really great cook and two more nmainstream american cooks. On the nights when we get the american cook mama's meals my dh is OH so happy... meat and potatoes, and occasionally a bean or bread product thrown in there. Everybody is pretty happy with the wonderful cook, my vege buddy likes to push barriers, and I am the super simple, but super healthy meal cooker in the group. It is a nice mix, but with me being the healthiest cook, it means that 4 days a week, when I would have been eating my healthy meals, I am eating meat filled meals that arn't the fare I am used to. I am having to find a balance... but it is working out well. I just have to adjust the rest of the days eating. I hope this makes sense, I have gotten very little sleep lately. lol...
how are you liking the co-op? Do you ever get stuck with meals you just really DON't like? Do you have an idea of what you will be getting each week? This is such a wonderful idea and so supportive of community.
whoops! guess I should have read the comments first! Sounds great!
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