Every single year my Dahlias stay out until the first frost, my flower heads like this time of year best and stay beautiful and full for many more days than they last in the heat of summer. This year, I got mostly pink ones. I am not sure what happened underground but my white one hasn't shown many blooms at all this year. One or two, like albino chicks in a flock of black chickens. lol... But the pink ones are just beautiful!

I love dahlias. They remind me of starched and ironed pleats. Well groomed and well kempt. Mother nature's neat freak. With a little lace around the edges...

I love your comparison to pleats and neat freaks for the dahlias! As always, I enjoy your garden photos. Thanks for sharing.
And your post about autumn nights--it made me want to cry in a happy way. Even though I don't know you, reading about finding bliss in your everday life like that was beautiful to me.
Thanks Lindsey. :) That is what this blog is all about for me. I could put the nitty gritty here, but I usually don't. This is the pretty stuff, the "be thankful" stuff. All of the stuff that when I look through the years worth of things, I can say "Wow... what a cool life. And it's mine."
This is what memories are made of. ;)
Those are gorgeous! Great photos too.
beautiful. :) I love the photos!
dahlias are easily my favorite flower. What a blessing to see your pictures today.
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