My baby is a year old today. Can you believe it?! I sure can't. It is very hard for me to wrap my head around what has happened in the last year. But here I am, with a husband with a good paying job, a drive to grow as much as possible, and get out of as much debt as possible, a 1st grade homeschooler, a preteen, and a toddler. Who would have thought?

I feel endlessly blessed by this life.
Logan can now walk a mile a minute... all with his little hands up, ready to catch him if he tumbles, which he rarely does now. He is starting, slowly, to sign and speak words again. Which I whole heartedly appreciate now since he took that screeching hiatus for becoming bipedal. He is starting to have preferences in toys... he is starting to have "favorites".
Like his tooth brush. The kid LOVES that thing. It is so cute. But, if he looses it while toddling around the house, and he follows me in while I brush my teeth, a small floor riot ensues, in which he nearly pulls my pants off, trying to look in the toothbrush cup again to see if it has magically appeared in the 5 seconds since he was picked up to check it out last. All the while pointing and being particularly cute when I say it isn't there by crying, in the sweet open mouthed, heart broken way, into my face.
Similar tactics have ventured to other areas of his life... namely: food. If we don't like a food, what we do is put it all in the bowl on our tray, and throw it, bowl and all, on the floor if no one is close enough to catch it. This is getting old. But, if you are there to catch it, he will hand it to you... so it is sort of a race between the thrower and me, to see if it hits the deck, or not. If I am totally on top of it, I may save my carpet.
All in all, he has been such a blessing and this last year has transformed my life in way more ways than just being the mother of three. He is an amazingly bright kid. As every parent proudly professes when their child is 'normal'. lol... but he is. Smart, and sweet, and oh so cute.
I love him dearly.
Happy birthday sweet baby!
Here is a link to a set of pictures I put together of this year. It is so amazing how they grow! The first year goes by so fast... transformation in life and in this little person who went from being a new born, to a little boy, in no time flat. The miracle of life is truly just that... a miracle.
Happy Birthday Logan and Happy Birthing Day Valerie!
Val, it's almost impossible to think he is already a year! Really? I think you might be joshing all of us.
Happy birthday Logan! May this next year be as blessed as the first.
He's such a cutie Val! Hope you guys had a great day yesterday!
happy birthday logan! they grow and change so fast... it is hard to embrace it and not resist it! if they could only stay small just a little longer...
Happy Birthday Logan! Val, I loved all the pictures of Logan's 1st year, but the 2 of you and Logan up on the blog are FANTASTIC! :)
Happy Birth Day to Logan and Mama. Val you look so young!
Thank you all for the well wishes! It was a wonderful day. Although Don had to go to work last night after dinner. But Logan and Don and I took walks all over the neighborhood while the big kids were at friends houses. Logan's party is this Saturday. It is going to be very small, because this time of year, our celebrations actually have to fit in our house. lol... Just our closest friends, my dad and his SO and her daughter, and then Don's mom and grandma and uncle. We will have mushroom cupcakes, and enjoy chating and watching Logan eat chocolate cake. :)
Happy Birth Day Logan and Birthing Day to you Val!! That black and white of you while pregnant is a favorite!! Just beautiful!
He is precious and yes, such a blessing is each child!!
Thank you for sharing!
I can't believe it! he's really one? He's adorable for sure, and I loved the update.
Happy Birthday Logan and Val....
Love and hugs....
He is adorable! Happy Birthday!
Happy belated birthday to Logan!
oooh he's adorable! And so is that pic of your pregnancy. I'm 35 weeks myself, and not feeling nearly as graceful as you look! ;-)
Just stumbled by your blog, and am glad I did. Gorgeous!
(i goddess
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