So far, this October, I have seen all of my regulars, which include:
#1. Black capped Chickadees
#2. Chestnut Backed Chickadees
#3. Stellar Jays
#4. Scrub Jays
#5. Bushtits
#6. Robins
#7. Golden Finch
#8. Nuthatch
#9. Woodpeckers
#10. Humming Bird (but not for about two weeks)
#11. Cedar Waxwing
#12. Varied Thrush
This latest few were:
#12. Northern Flicker
#13. House Finch (above)
#14. European Starling
I am not the bird collector Nut is, but at the same time, along with my bird collection, I have started to collect small critters and the neighbors cats as well. I have visitors all the time in my yard. The evenings esp, chickadees will be playing in my bird bath and coming over to the window feeder for a snack of Oil Sunflower Seeds right next to squirrels eating sunflower heads out of my fence feeder, right next to Stellar Jays (ie: the boldest bird in the world!) screaming at the cats and chasing them off my covered patio.
And of course, my resident birds... my chickens.
Welcome to the GBC of October! I will add you to my list. You have a great list going so far. I am still hoping a Chestnut-backed Chickadee will come soon!
Thank you. That sounds like lots of fun. :)
I filled up my feeders and stuff last night. I didn't get any peanuts though... those suckers are spendy!
I love when the Northern Flickers come to our feeder. They and red-bellied woodpeckers love pieces of cake as a treat. They seem very attracted by the white color.
We only see cedar waxwings in the spring during what I assume is their migration route, and then, they only use our bird bath. They are beautiful.
We're in the East, so we have different birds.
I need to start feeding them again, but we've also had a problem with rats -- I suppose the bird-feeding and composting make our yard very desirable.
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