Remember this post? We still owe on them, but we haven't used a credit card at all in three months. It is a habit now to not even think of using them or even think of getting them for good deals. There are some days that it made harder, but there was no way we ever went without what we needed. We haven't put a whole lot of extra on to debt due to this housing situation (we have paid over $2000 in gas bills since we moved here already), but my hopes are high that after we get a house, we will be able to really start ticking off that debt.
Great job becoming debt-free!
Credit cards are something we've not ever had the guts to use often. We just received our first one last year and used it to come to Washington and paid it completely off with our tax return this year. We still have it and plan to use it again this year for a few upgrades to our yard (new fence in the front yard) but we dont use it for any other purchases and its not been hard to do once you get out of the habit of using it. :)
We put a stop to it just over a year ago. We have paid down a LOT this year too...went from 4 cards with relatively high balances to one. We've used them 2 times in the year- both for dentist appts....Now if Paul's job would actually provide some income right now...I am just hoping we don't have to use them to get groceries soon...
congrats. I went without using one for 2 years but now have to use them for my business, but I pay them off to a zero balance often before they are even due.
You guys have serious willpower to pull that off for three months. It's such a great feeling to be debt-free, and it is well-worth all the hard work!
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