We woke on the day of our beach trip and got up and Cyan and I headed off to history class. I knew it would be a long drive so I reminded Don to pack snacks and to check the weather. It was beautiful and already 70* where we were, so I thought we were headed into a beautiful day if it was that way at the beach as well.
When we got home, Don had packed lunches (adorably in the husband fashion, he even added carrots for a 'vegetable' and brought it up to me on the trip several times... "Did you see I packed 'vegetables'?!? LOL!) It did seem as though he remembered a lot of what we were supposed to bring. I was really proud of him! He said it was supposed to be nice and sunny all day, and so I ran and got sunscreen and we left.
As we neared the beach however, (which is three hours from us) it was obvious that it was no where near 'nice and sunny' at the beach. It was about 56* and terribly windy. So I asked him... where did you check the weather dear? "At home." "Why would you check the weather at home if we are traveling three hours to get to the beach?" Sigh.
So we were at the beach for a shorter amount of time than it took to drive there.
Cyan and I spent time making a sand castle while Logan and Don took a walk. Then Cyan took a walk with Don and Logan and I chased Seagulls. For a short and cold trip, it was a good one.
Cyan wasn't daunted by the cold weather... she walked right in.
Back on the dunes, we started to find neat little treats, like this alpine strawberry... we snacked as we walked and enjoyed our treasures. Then we drove around the beach, and looked at everyone else's wonderful castle creations. The rest of the pictures are in the slideshow below, including our coolest sand castle EVER! :)
Looks like a wonderful trip to the beach, even with the weather. We live about an hour and a half from our beach and in Florida it can be sunny at my house and raining 4 miles away. I just love being there though to listen and look. It's so relaxing and peaceful at the beach, especially early before the crowds come.
Glad you had a great time!
Oh, and the fact that your hubby took the reins on the trip is aweseome. I always have to do the planning and packing, still waiting for that "surprise" trip where I don't have to organize or initiate. Perhaps someday! :o)
That is one cool sandcastle!! Sorry the weather wasn't top notch, but it still looks like you guys had a great time. Especially Don... he looks so happy to be there! I'm inspired to go somewhere like this... just on a whim and be more spontaneous. :-)
Those are some really great photos!
Coming over from SITS with a Hello and big WELCOME!!
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