Shirring is really simple. However, for this project, you will use your iron as much as your sewing machine, so make sure that when you start this project, you have both ready and on hand. Then it can be finished in next to no time.
First, measure your child from arm pit to where you want the shirt to go. For Cyan (long torso and size 8) she measures about 17 inches. Measuring from the bottom of the pillowcase, I add one inch to that length (for seam allowance and gathering factor) and cut the rest off the closed end of the pillow case. (Keep aside for straps.)
Then make a small hem at the cut edge to finish it off. Not too big, about 1/2 inch is great. Iron the edge with the pillow case seam (there is only one) at the back center.
Now, wind your bobbin with elastic thread. This thread can be found at any sewing and craft store. The top thread will remain the same, so you want to pick one that either matches or compliments your pillowcase really well.
Starting at the top where the hem is, stitch the hem with the elastic thread underneath all the way around following the hem. It will not look like it is doing much gathering at this point. This is very normal.
Now move your fabric over so that the hem is on the right edge of the presser foot. This is where you sew your next line of gathers. If you use your presser foot as a gage to where your stitches are supposed to go, you end up with very neat and strait gathers without having to measure every line.
Iron. This time you want as much steam as your iron can pump out. This will help your top gather nicely into the smocking.
To make the straps, just take the left over pillowcase, and cut it into 2 1/2 inch strips. Then fold in half and iron. Fold both edges to the middle where it was ironed and iron again. Fold in half and sew down the open side. Place the top on the child, and pin the straps in place at the right length. Take it off them and sew the straps to the top. (I use safety pins so when I take it back off Cyan it doesn't poke her.)
I chose to place the back straps close together for a more racer back look, but any placement will look cute!
I have been reading your blog for a few months now (I don't think I have commented before) and I am in awe of the what you do everyday and find to time to write about it. I don't have small children to make anything for but I like your pillowcase top - very nice. I did score a very nice jean skirt and a looks like new sweater at the thrift store yesterday. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Judy. :) What a sweet compliment. I really do enjoy my time crafting and playing with the kids.
Wow! I have to say that the top took my breathe away. I am so amazed by your talent and endurance. You make some really brillant things. Whether from your kitchen, your sewing table, your garden or your wood working, it's a wonderful life you have.
I just bought a sewing machine and really haven't had the chance to tinker with it yet. I hope to one day be able to make some of the lovely things that you do.
Very creative idea, love it!!!!
I LOVE this!! Amazing what you can make from a pillowcase! Elastic thread is my new best friend. So cool!
Dear Val
Thank you for your comment about the mushrooms :-)
If you would like to know what we are talking about and where to find patterns just go to google translate copy in my website adress and choose from danish to english and your "in" we link alot to patterns and fabrics, you are so welcome !
Have a nice day.
Nessa: Valerie (two comments down) is going to be holding a begining sewing class online for free if you want to join. I think she is brilliant and I bet you would learn tons from her!
Thanks Katie!
Valerie: I am working on PJ bottoms for Logan now. :) Fun stuff! That is next week... I have something really cool planned this week. But Don threw away my beets. :( Story later. ;)
Tusindfyd: Thank you! I love going to your blog even though I can only understand the posts in English. So I am sure I will be using that translator soon to see what else you have on there. :)
I love love love this idea! Using the presser foot as a guide instead of drawing lines is an excellent idea too!
I actually came across a fabulous, lone pillowcase at a thrift shop the other day, which I finally (and reluctantly!) didn't buy. I'll have to go back and see if I can chase it down. Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
Oh, I've been wanting to try my hand at shirring a dress for my little one. After reading your post I simply MUST find the time to try this.
Thank you so much for this wonderful idea! I just made Corrine one and she loves it:)
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