Yesterday was my first Fine Arts class for my homeschool group. I am teaching a 15 wk course that goes through an introduction to 9 of the great masters of art. I have enjoyed planning it so much, and the execution was just as fun.
But back to the Shrinky Dinks. I wanted to give the kids something to take home today. I wanted to really get through that art is about your eyes and not about your talent. That being able to see the world your own way is just as important as being able to draw, or paint, or sculpt. So I read the book The Artists Palette and I made these necklaces for the kids as they left my first class:
Before baking.
Cyan and I spent an entire evening making these and putting them on pretty ribbon to hand out at the class. I wrote the name and cut them out and she would punch the holes and color the 'paint blotches' on the palettes. It was a super fun project and I think it went over rather well:
We made two of each... one for the necklace for each kiddo and one to decorate their supply box. The kids thought this was especially cool. :)
I got the Shrinky Dinks for $2.50 with my 50% off coupon at JoAnn's and the ribbon was on sale at Micheal's for $.33 each. The entire thing (with ribbon left over) was less than $4 even with tax. It was a completely adorable project and Cyan and I will definitely be making these again in the near future.
Oh, Val! What a fabulous idea! I hope you don't mind, I want to use those books and the shrinkydink idea for our co-op. I am the art teacher for our homeschool co-op and last year I had several students try to tell me that they couldn't draw. I think this is a fab idea!
I don't mind at all! It is such an important lesson. :) Artists all saw such different things in the world. We got to see pictures of Mondrian's New York City too, side by side wiht an arial map of NY, which the kids thought was so cool, but a little bit crazy... and I got to explain that was how he saw the world. It ended up being a really fun lesson. I hope it sticks!
very cute! If our homeschool group didn't already have a member that always teaches art...i'd love to do an art class. I've really enjoyed teaching my boys.Those looks like great books too
Such a cute idea! My daughter wants me to teach an "advanced crafts" class (her words).... but i already have a dance class, paper airplanes and beginning knitting to teach!
I think I shall tuck this post away for later and pick your brain about what all you did!
Just gorgeous stuff Val!
I have had your blog on my favs list on my blog forever. Yet for some reason it has been nearly as long since I clicked on it. I dont have a clue what my problem was! Anyway I re-found you today and absolutely love what I am seeing! I am an art teacher(public school) and love what you are doing! So glad I found you again!
I didn't even know that Shrinky Dinks still existed! Neat idea. Good luck teaching the class.
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