Getting time to do 'super secret Santa stuff' was harder than ever this year. Don has had to work this whole week and will have to work today and tomorrow too. It has made a lot of prep much more difficult with the kids all home with me. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to... but I did get the Critter Warmies done, and I am SO excited to give them a test drive tonight for sweet dreams with my kiddos.

This is Cyan's. Hers was made with her favorite sweater that got too small (the green stripe). I left enough to make her a hat or two as well.
This is Logan's. The fangs are more pointy on his because... well... Logan's fangs are more pointy. lol!
And this is Alex's. The softest face features, the heaviest and biggest of the three, he belongs to my big guy.
And they are just in time for a second cold snap. We woke this morning to temps in the low 20's. And I think it is going to get colder... but that also means blue skies... it may be an even trade. :) Happy Christmas Eve!
Those are adorable! Hope they give the kids visions of sugar plums (whatever those are)!
What a nice idea for old sweaters - and they turned out so sweet.
These are so cute! Thanks for the inspiration. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Val, may it be merry and bright!!
So just a heads up for anyone who wanted to make these... make them smaller than I did. About 8 inches tall. It is really hard to warm these babies up! Takes way too long. I am working on a better pattern, but these are not perfect yet. Cute, but not perfect. They are still super cuddly, and the kids love them. But... they could use a little design tweaking. I promise to post the 'perfect' critter warmie when I get it all figured out.
OMG these are adorable. You should create a craft book!
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