I feel the need to preface this post with: I do not make cards, my 'scrapbooks' are videos that I make at the end of the year. I ordered both Cyan's AND Alex's birthday invites last year and I loved it! However, I do love paper, and I think that my love of paper is what got me so enamored with this project.
Ok, now that we have gotten that out of the way, today I made this:
It took buying $30 worth of materials (because I do not scrapbook or make cards!), 10 hours over an exacto knife (literally, and then the tip broke off, so I was trying to get strait lines with a BROKEN exacto knife), getting a massive cramp in my hand from lining all the pieces with a sharpie (which I am still nursing), and going through not one, but two prototypes to get it... but oh goodness it is cute! And I doubt that I have ever been more proud except when I gave birth to my children.
I got the idea here. This lady is just as crazy about parties as I am, and she makes beautiful cards! I love all her ideas that I have seen so far, and I started following her blog so I don't miss any that are to come. She is a party genius (and she has a newly 3 year old boy... how cool is that? Can Logan have an Internet buddy?).
So, now that you can tell I have had WAY too much caffeine this week and am completely crazy about birthday parties, I think I should show you my ideas for the party... but I can't.... because the cramp in my hand is making it hard to type.
So, now that you can tell I have had WAY too much caffeine this week and am completely crazy about birthday parties, I think I should show you my ideas for the party... but I can't.... because the cramp in my hand is making it hard to type.
It is an adorable card indeed. You should be proud!
Cute Val. I love the way it opens.
Welcome to French Picnic's comment love project PEAR. We're glad to have you! Just go grab the button and we'll send you the welcome info in an email. Have a wonderfully evening!
~ Marie & Gabrielle
Love that invite!! Welcome to PEAR...
These are soooooo cute!! Stopping by from PEAR!
OH.... they came out so cute!!! I hope he has a blast!!!
very cute! :) happy birthday, logan!! can you believe how big these boys of ours are getting?! i think the pregnancy threads at amity mamas is where i first *met* you...
Erika: Yes, and now you went ahead and are having another one without me. ;) Oh I so wish I could be there with you... but The Man says no... so I guess that finishes that.
Love Val
Oh my goodness, I love this invite! So cute!! Can't wait to hear about your ideas for the party. I'm sure it is going to ROCK!
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