Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Three kings dinner

Epiphany (feeling): The sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something
Epiphany (holiday): A Christian holiday on January 6 celebrating the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus

In adopting a more Waldorf approach to my homeschooling, I have been more interested than ever before in the festivals and holidays of all cultures and beliefs. Today, in the Waldorf circles they celebrate Three Kings Day, a holiday to honor the kings that found baby Jesus and gifted him with the three gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Muhr.

A large portion of our day was spent making a braided Challuah bread to go with the crock pot of white bean soup I had on. We called it "Three Kings Bread", but that only refered to the shape as Three Kings Bread is a sweeter bread than this yummy WW egg bread. Our bread literally took 8 hours to make with three raising periods... but we did it. Even in our crappy stove! And we didn't burn it! Whoohooo! I wish you could know just how big of a deal that is... my kitchen is usually the place where bread comes to die.

Last night I wrapped 3 small gifts for each of my children, in honor of the three gifts that the kings brought the baby Jesus. No need to buy anything...

I have never seen children so excited to open their own Halloween candy. :)

Add in a big green salad, homemade lemonade to toast with, and conversation about the things we are grateful for. It makes for a pretty great first Three Kings Day in our household.




Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

How lovely! Three Kings Day is a great tradition we celebrate when we visit our family in Argentina. We even leave out food for the camels the night before! Love how excited they were to open their "presents"... Ha!!

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

This is really interesting. I'll have to make note to check out the holiday next year.

And, very funny about the candy!

jdersham said...

Great idea!!! I have also reused my boys' halloween a "potty on the toilet"....hasn't worked yet...hopefully by next Halloween it will.
The soup looks good. Can you post the recipe?

Lizz said...


Happy New Year too, Val.

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