I have never owned a patch of daffodils. These beauties that grace my table came with the house in their own bed under one of the giant Fir trees. They were a surprize because we moved last June and have spent a Spring here. My children have always wanted them. I have thought many times in the last few years that when I got my own yard, I would plant daffodils... but not in beds... in the grass... so while the grass is still new and patchy, and before the mowing season starts, they would pop up, and bring light to the last of the dark months with their cheery faces. Now I am even more convinced and when this season is over, I will start my winter by planting a bunch of daffodils in my grass. I am sure, that by the time it is warm enough to mow, they will be gone... but wouldn't that be a beautiful sight!?! These beautiful yellow faces, popping up throughout a frost bitten yard...
The weatherman says this is our last sunny day for a while. I am going to get outside and build my first garden bed today.

Flowers are so cheerful. I think they are reminders that we should smile more and pout less, and to remember to keep our faces toward the sun. :)
Daffodils make me happy. Just to look at them. Ours aren't up yet- just the greens and no buds. They were one of the first thing I planted when we moved in here almost 8 yrs ago. I love the naturalized look too....
I can't believe you have flowers already! I can't wait to see those sunny heads pushing up in our yard.
OMG a daff already !!!! How wonderful ,in my old secondary school (highschool) at the back of the playing pitch was a field and when I say that in Spring it was covered in Daffs I MEAN covered , there were thousands of them !!! Our art teacher used to bring us every year to draw them...great memories...
Man do I need to move! I am in Michigan and right now I am watching the men in the neighborhood snow blowing their driveways. We have atleast a foot of snow today!
We are not even thinking of daffodils! I am jealous!
Just wanted to let you know that I have been reading your blog on and off for about a year. Every time I come back to it and look over what I have missed, I feel more at peace and inspired in my own life once again. Thank you for sharing you. Take care.
daffies my favorite! Mine are just beginning to sprout... now that the snow is leaving.
thanks for the visit. My wrap is actually a natural color but the lighting and the iPhone gave it that greenish tinge...that's what I get for taking a picture inside under flourescent lights!
Enjoy the upcoming spring :)
aren't they gorgeous? my mom has a patch of daffodils all throughout the front yard. i used to look forward to the tulips popping up but now the daffodils and the paper whites are stealing their thunder. ;) thanks for stoppin' by--i think we're all ready for spring!
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