Ever wondered "Hey, what does 10 cubic yards of soil look like?"
Well, for us, it got delivered in two piles by a giant dump truck. This one is 4 ft tall, by about 7 ft across:
I wanted to be shoveling manure... but instead I had to go grocery shopping.
So this morning, instead of my morning run, I decided I would go fill my first two beds.
Wet dirt is way heavier than dry dirt.
At least you don't need a gym membership! :)
Spreading dirt is way cooler than spreading mulch (a chore my mom made us do on a regular basis (probably once) character building, right?).
I've been following your garden plans with anxious anticipation! It is so cool to see it all come together, one step at a time. Thanks for sharing it with us! Some day, I will have an urban garden. I need a yard first, I think :)
Yay for new dirt! Love watching all of your progress!
We put in sod that was wet. SO HEAVY! Just think - you'll have great looking arms :)
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