To attempt to talk about all of the amazing things that we got to see in Monterey would take way more space than I have. We took my mom out to the aquarium and we figured out that it would be the same price to buy her a membership than to pay for all 6 of us to go in separately, so as another little birthday gift, we did that... and now she can go as much as she wants for the next year. :)
The animals were incredible. But I think my favorite was the jelly fish walls. What an amazing experience! Jelly fish are amazing to me... and being able to see this many, up close and personal, (without being afraid for your life) is rather fantastic. I could have been there all week long.
We ended up going back to Monterey for our anniversary while the kids stayed the night with my mom. It was a blissful trip that included a candlelit dinner on the pier watching otter, seals, and pelicans play in the ocean, while eating a complimentary piece of double chocolate raspberry truffle cake with hot tea. Talk about celebration!
For the next day, we walked along the pier and the ocean shore just taking in the scenery and constantly whipping out my camera to take pictures of all the amazing wild animal babies along the way:
I now completely understand why the houses along this beautiful shore are multimillion dollar homes. Most are modest actually, but to be able to live next to this rich amount of nature is an invaluable gift as far as I am concerned. When we left the shore, I had filled an 8 gig CF card with photos and felt completely relaxed and wonderfully celebrated.
It is absolutely wonderful there. My family and I are very lucky, that we live close by and can visit on the weekends.
We love the Aquarium and then hanging out at one of the beaches further down, gathering rocks, looking at tide pools....
Oh the tide pools were amazing! I loved taking pictures of them and watching the snails and hermet crabs and see flowers... wow... Yeah. Many fond memories of that leg of the trip. :)
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