Look what I got!!
Sorry about the dark pictures... they are under a heat lamp at all times so the pictures were crazy colors before I switched to B&W, but I think they are really dark now.
These babies are the last phase in my suburban homesteading set up. We now have the huge garden, the rabbits (for manure and fun), and chickens (for eggs, manure, and fun). This year is the 'getting started' year. It has taken a lot of planning, a lot of money, and a lot of time. But it will pay off next year when we are reaping the benefits with very little in the way of new projects.
These ladies are going to be in an A frame coop that fits perfectly over my 6X4 ft garden beds. They are going to clean out my beds and add some new manure to each one when the beds need to be cleared. I have a spot in the back of the garden where they will live when they are not needed, and be able to consume all of our garden waste and compostables, and in turn give us the most amazing eggs!
I have missed my chickens from the last house so much. The eggs, the way they can eat up kitchen and garden scraps, and just the fact that we are directly involved in so much of our own food production. I have to admit that I am really excited to be a chicken mama again!
This is Bessy. (Logan's Buff Orphington... he named her and everything.)
We just picked up chicks for the first time - I've posted some pictures. :) We have a Brahma, Orpington, and Australorp. I'm so excited to be part of this suburban chicken movement.
So cute! Can't wait to see the full set up!
This is perfect timing. I am just building my first coop and about to get my babies!!
I cant wait til we buy a house and can get chickens again too!!
So cute. We are getting 6 peeps in August. I can't wait for them to show up!
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