It seems strange to say, but I think this is my first cauliflower crop. I have never had success with this brassica... but this year has been SO wet, and SO cold (we still haven't seen over 75* and our first day of summer started out with about 2 inches of rain). Bad for tomatoes and roses (I have little hope of home grown tomatoes at this point) but for the peas, broccoli, cabbage, beets, and lettuce... well they couldn't be happier!
Trying to see the silver lining of a lot of things right now....

LOOKS AMAZING! What will you do with it? Eat it raw?
Yeah for you! That cauliflower looks great!
Yum! I tried cauliflower last year. Didn't do so well, in fact I don't do well with broccoli either. Right now I would love to be under 75 though....I don't think we've been under 95 in a couple weeks and no end in sight. It's not been this hot it a long time.
love it, it's fun to grow something cool like that! I'm trying celery this year.
Yeah for cauliflower.
The bad thing about gardening is that there's no telling what crop will fare well based on the crazy weather. Last year, in the northeast it was killer for tomatoes, this year broccoli didn't stand a chance.
I love curried cauliflower. It's an unexpected treat. ~ksp
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