Almost 27 wks... that's about time to dive into nesting, right?
I have been completely uninspired this year. This is strange for me. I am the queen-of-plan-ahead and I usually have at least half my projects done by now for the holidays, but no. Not this year. Between Candida, fleas, and a nasty bought of pregnancy insomnia, I am pretty much not myself... ever. This last week I have been thoroughly miserable. I got a flea in my jeans (literally) and it bit the entire bottom of my belly. And of course, it is the week after Halloween and anyone with Candida knows how hard it is not to overdo on the candy this time of year and make yourself miserable in other ways. I was an itchy mess!
So on to the not complaining... a few days ago I was talking to dh about ripping up the carpet in our hallways and bedrooms (our Nov project) and I got really inspired to 'do it right'. We are moving all the kids rooms around to make room for the new baby and I think the best way to paint and all that would be before the carpet comes out, one room at a time (so we don't get paint on the newly cleaned and decarpeted wood floor). The kids and I immediately started searching for ideas and inspiration for their new bedrooms.
So on to the not complaining... a few days ago I was talking to dh about ripping up the carpet in our hallways and bedrooms (our Nov project) and I got really inspired to 'do it right'. We are moving all the kids rooms around to make room for the new baby and I think the best way to paint and all that would be before the carpet comes out, one room at a time (so we don't get paint on the newly cleaned and decarpeted wood floor). The kids and I immediately started searching for ideas and inspiration for their new bedrooms.
As I was searching, I came across this from one of my favorite shops on Etsy (Maple Shade Kids):

I have been planning on doing something in the little boys room (Logan and the new baby) along the "forest theme" line for a while... but I hadn't found anything quite so perfect as this lady's work. I wish I could say that I could buy everything I love... but I can't. So I set out to recreate it, and for $5.22 (half off coupon at Micheal's) I got a couple craft boards, and between that and old calendars I had on hand, I made myself one:
Then today, I decided to tackle another:

Collecting the Moments... Little's Corner
Although I doubt he will be in it more than once a month or so (we mostly co-sleep).
Feeling really excited about the inspiration (and the follow through) I was able to do! My notebooks are filling up with things to do before February, but I am just loving it. And I was thinking it would be a great idea to pass on to all those who are looking for Christmas projects right now! Seriously, it cost me $5 and about two hours for each of these adorable wall hangings. Isn't it just amazing what you can do when you feel inspired?
Feeling really excited about the inspiration (and the follow through) I was able to do! My notebooks are filling up with things to do before February, but I am just loving it. And I was thinking it would be a great idea to pass on to all those who are looking for Christmas projects right now! Seriously, it cost me $5 and about two hours for each of these adorable wall hangings. Isn't it just amazing what you can do when you feel inspired?
Now that I am feeling crafty again, does anyone have any awesome handmade gifts to share for older girls and boys? I still have two rooms to redo. ;)
Hi Val! I have been saving this link because I plan on making one for my daughter. Can't remember if yours has one yet or not but thought I'd pass it along since we end up making so many things in common.
sewing kit tutorial
Those hangings are adorable!! Can't wait to see the room when its finished.
I LOVE your "copy-cat" abilities! Fantastic. I get a lot of inspiration from the "How does She" blog. Great ideas for birthdays and holidays
oh my, these are magnificent. they are going to have the most wonderful little boys room ever!! ♥
Wonderful ideas you two, and thanks everyone for the compliments on my art. It felt SO good to be the crafty me... even if just for a little while. I am hoping it hangs on and I can get a whole lot done with this energy that I have right now. Each day I feel like this before the baby comes is a blessing.
Love Val
Okay...Love your blog! If this is nesting...I need more babies...except that is not how I nest!
Love all this...Love the trees...that is exactly what I wanted for my girls wall...but I can't find them!
I am excited to be your newest follower!
Hey there Sherri! I love new followers. :)
Here is the link to the trees and let me tell you, if you haven't found any other reasonable vinyl wall decals, Etsy is the place to go! I have had to tear myself away from all the cool things I could put on my walls. ;)
Heres the link:
and here is another one that I just LOVE but have no place for:
Have fun! And glad to have you! Thanks for your wonderful comment.
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