This has been the week of field trips. First was a birthday party for a dear friend who just turned 8. My friend planned a whole visit to the land of Middle Earth to celebrate and Logan decided he needed to dress the part. (He and Cyan created this costume all by themselves.)
“Bwalin - At your service.”
“Oh, my precious, my precious!”
He spent the day going through the caves of the Dwarven King, fighting Smaug the Dragon, and winning gold coins. All with the help of their trusty wizard friends.
Then the next field trip was to the skating rink. At first Luke wasn’t sure what was going on. But soon he was dead set on being on the skate floor the entire time and a full on melt down ensued if he had to leave for any reason. Even the speed races.
At one point he stole someone else's skate walker (above) and headed out to the floor to join the 4 & 5yr olds for their race (he is 26 months). We didn’t even notice until he was at the starting line! The attendant gave him a coupon for a free small soda because he was so determined and cute. His favorite thing to do was to stand in the middle of the floor and dance on his skates.
After that we spent two days at home working on our chicken coop (more on that later) so we spent those days taking short ‘field trips’ to the shed to say hi to the chickies in their new home.
The chicks have even gotten field trips (into the yard) and playdates (with the neighbors chicks) lately.
Yesterday we spent our time downtown at the children’s museum and the art museum. Eric Carle is being featured and so it was kind of like a reunion of Luke’s birthday party themes.
The museum had set up a huge magnet wall with Eric Carle prints so the kids could move it around and make their own pieces of art. We spent the most time at this space and then reading the Eric Carle books they had on display.
We set off down the street to the Tacoma Children’s Museum after that and spent the rest of the early afternoon experimenting with all kinds of fun discoveries there.
This has been a fun and tiring week. The weather has been SO lovely that we have spent most of our time outside, soaking up the sun.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful, educational week!
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