Favorite Color - Golden
Favorite Season - Winter! Snowball fights!
Favorite Animal - Honey Badger. It can scare away lions, and it’s this big (holds arms wide) and I kinda like how it is in the skunk family. I don’t really know what my favorite is, but I really like the honey badger.
What do you want to learn this year?
About honey badgers. I want to learn how to make three colors to connect to make one ugly color. I want to learn how to bake something sciency - like boiling water and then put paint in it. That’s what I should do. I wonder if I would see colorful bubbles?
Favorite color - Orange/pink.. like peach
Favorite Food - Potatoes. I like stuff that goes with potatoes, or chicken, or steak with gravy. It all goes with mashed potatoes.
Favorite Season - Summer. Winter is fun except you can’t do as much as summer. You can run around, wear short sleeves, crawl on the ground, and just do more.
Favorite animals - I’m between a horse and a zebra. I like zebras better this year because they are small and delicate and they are really really beautiful to me.They stay together even when something bad happens or goes wrong.
What would you like to learn this year?
Anything? I want to learn about how to make big, 3 tiered cakes for, like, birthdays and stuff. I want to learn to be able to babysit better - like know what to do if the baby is choking or something. I’m excited about reading more and really fast.
I want to have a baking day to make doughnuts and lots of bread. I also really want to breed chicks.
Happy Homeschooling!
For last year’s interview see here.
1 comment
sounds like you need a weekly baking day this year! Yours are always some of my favorite "back to school" posts. Very sweet children:)
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