Friday, March 13, 2015

In other homeschool news…

A few bullet pointed happenings here on the Rose Garden Homestead.

Lots of field trips!  Another friend of mine has started making regular school field trip groups at all kinds of places around our area.  Mixed with our regular spots we go to at each season of the year, it has been a SUPER fun way to explore the area and we have a new field trip every week!! 

Field Trips

Harbor History Museum – The best field trip so far this year!  We spent the school day in 1901 and watched as Galloping Gertie fell into the Puget Sound.  We completely embedded ourselves in the time period.  I even dressed up!

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A lot of the day was spent in this sweet little one room schoolhouse.  Below is Cyan in her class (4th grade and up), the entry way where the boys hung their hats, the metal cups they got water in, and Logan and I, all dressed up and ready to go.

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Cyan learning her lesson in a sweet little pentefore and calico dress:

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Here is Logan and his buddy, all dressed up in their 1901 garb.


The hem of my dress and black freshly polished black boots.

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This one has to be in color. 

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It’s our hen’s hard boiled eggs for our lunch wrapped in a handkerchief.   It went along with nuts and last years preserved pear sauce in mason jars along side fresh lemonade in a neat glass bottle.  It was delicious and also, very 1901.  Winking smile

Preschool – Luke has been tagging a long with lots of bigger kid stuff, but I have been trying to keep activities around that are just for him.  Here he is working on a President’s Day craft tray with red, white and blue beads.

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Now that we are fully into spring here (sorry, snow dwellers!) I have a bunch of sensory bins and Montessori trays to make up with spring related fun!

Cub scouts – We have had a blast so far this year with Cub scouts.  Logan is just loving all of the grown-up boys stuff he gets to do each month with his den!

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Here he is making a plaster cast of someone's boot, which he then had to figure out which boot it belonged to as part of a forensics day.  We also talked about teeth marks, hair, and fingerprints.

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Here he is holding a soap bubble made from dry ice at a Cub scouts Blue & Gold science night!

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Here is Logan’s experiment that his den did for the science night!  It’s a buzzer game that has a flying plane which you have to guide through the mountains and not touch either wire or you will complete the circuit and sound the alarm!  This was all thought up by our den leader, whom I am forever thankful.  My kid would not be doing nearly as cool science stuff without her.

With all the public school stuff in the news, I am happier than ever to be a homeschooler.  People ask if my kids are missing things or have enough social interaction, and in all honesty I can say my kids have more social things than most.  And yet, they still have time to play, time to just be, time to make Legos for hours on end after their school work is done.  No tests to get ready for, or hours of homework after a long and grueling school day… just pure kid fun with no strings attached.  I wouldn’t have it any other way!


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