Monday, June 29, 2015

Super Simple Cherry Pie Filling


Another year, another cherry season!  Cherries are almost done now, so it is time to put up cherry pie filling!  This is the recipe I used last year and it was delicious! 


Super Simple Cherry Pie Filling
  • 5 cups of pitted tart cherries
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 2 Tbs lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 4 Tbs corn starch
Place pitted cherries in a large pot and add in sugar and lemon juice.  Turn heat on med and allow cherries to get hot and start cooking down and releasing all of that yummy cherry juice.  Stir often.
Mix water and corn starch together in a small bowl and add into the hot cherries.  Bring it to a boil. 
When the mixture starts to get nice and thick, you may can it (according to the Ball Complete Book of Preserving that means “waterbath process for 35 minutes for both pint and quart jars”) or you can place it in a prebaked piecrust and eat the amazing pie you have ever eaten or you can do what we did and eat with a spoon!
(Review after 1 year – The cherry pie filling did separate after about 9 months of being in the pantry.  But just last week I used our very last jar for a cherry pie and it worked beautifully and firmed up as it got cold so I have no issue with using this recipe every year forever!)
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This year, I got delicious Bing cherries along with pie cherries.  There were so many that I added them into pie filling (1/2 and 1/2 ratio).  At first it would NOT firm up at all.  So I added some vanilla extract (2-3 Tbs per batch of cherries) and boiled it down, thinking that the fruit would reduce and make a jam-like preserve.  It made the most delicious cherry compote I have ever tasted!  It would make incredible scone filling or a delicious cherry tart.  I now have 3 quarts of vanilla cherry compote and 8 quarts of pie filling.
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So far it’s been a very sweet summer!


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