The weather turned last night. Here in Western Washington it is offically fall. Just in time for my children to start school tomorrow. We woke to cool mist and a chilly breeze... when I looked outside the leaves were starting to fall right before my eyes. I feel honored to have witnessed the start of fall so aburptly, and so completely. Before I even got out of bed I grabed my down comforter and threw it on the bed. I will do the same to the kids beds today. The fans will be put away, and the sweaters will be put back in the closets. Cleaning and purging is starting.
Autumn has begun.
But first... my morning cup of tea. This time of year is my favorite to get outside with a hot cup of something...
and of course, my camera.

You can see the dew collecting on all of my garden bounty. Soon the tomatos will ripen in earnest and I will have more canning and freezing to do. The summer bounty is finishing up, and it is time to start planting fall crops. The large harvest is nearly over. There is a bittersweet part of me that will miss summer, but my favorite season is fall by far. As Mother Nature gets ready for her rest in winter, she sends to her children this beautful aray of color that nothing can truly duplicate. It is like the last of the Independence Day fireworks where they go out with a bang and a huge display of color explosion. It is a gift I look forward to and cherish each year.

Val, those pictures are stunning! What kind of camera do you have, I'm hunting for a new digital. It must be a SLR, right? Simply georgeous!!!
Thank you! My fav by far from this set is the one with the dew on the beans. I mean how much more magical can a garden get than that?
I have a Cannon Powershot S2IS... And I LOVE the thing. It comes everywhere with me. lol... My husband thinks I am nuts becuase I take pictures of everything, but it feels natural after being without a camera for about 6 years. Now I document everything I can. I feel like I want to find the beauty in every moment.
My brother is. He taught me a lot, but I don't like his technique as much as mine. Does that make me evil? lol... he concentrates more on composition, and I concentrate more on content. Many times we see eye to eye, but there are some pictures that I love that he just looks at me and says "well... thats cool and all, but you could have done this and this and made it better", and I think he is crazy. lol...
Thanks so much for the compliments! Right now I am making a book of our garden adventures of this year. I am really enjoying the whole process. :heart:
Hey Theresa... my Aries friend... Are you going to start up your blog any time soon? I can't get to it... or is it just me? I wanna post comments on your stuff too. :D
Hello Val,
I loved these pictures so much that I used them over on my Table Tales blog, as well as those from the sweet "dwarf beans" post. Hope you don't mind : )
This looks like it will be such a lovely blog, I really look forward to exploring it : )
Blessings, Wendy
Thanks Wendi... I look forward to getting to know you! I don't mind anyone using my pictures as long as they don't have my kids in them. ;) So you are welcome to whatever strikes your fancy. :)
Sorry I just spelled your name wrong, Wendy. Ooops...
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