When it rains here, all gardening stops. Espically in March. We are coming up to the Ides Of March and I am usually planting peas by about now. For the last 4 days however the weather has turned to rain... which of course, is common, so the act of planting peas on the Ides Of March is usually more of a 'goal' than an act. In these times of rain, I usually research the new things I want to do with the garden on whatever given year I am in. This year, it is all about production. I would REALLY like to produce as many of my own canning tomatoes, freezing snow peas, and freezing green beans for the winter as I am able. There are other things I could grow, but I have resources that I get many of our other winter veggies from, and I still want to support them (plus, it is just impossible for me to raise 30# of blueberries this year. lol...). So those three things are my goal.
I thought that the raised beds would work, and two of them will, the other two areas where I wanted to put them, I would loose more space than I would gain in soil retention, so I am going to top dress the soil with some mushroom compost and some green matter, mix it all in and call it good.
As I was researching chicken poo as garden fertilizer I came across this lady. Emma Cooper is her name and she has a bunch of sites that work of the basic premise as I do... Sustainable living as much as you can, no matter where you are.
So she has a blog for her backyard chickens, and she has a blog for "armchair gardening" which I think is really cute, and then she has this podcast which I just started listening too;
The Alternative Kitchen Garden
I am not a postcast listener... but this one may hook me in. :)
Happy gardening everyone... even if it is only research.
1 comment
Hi pumpkin, Yes any beans will work-ya know though I never likes garbanzos until I tried these recipes, so you may like to give it a shot..I lvoe yoru blog Val :hug:
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