I went to the
glass shop site today for the first time in about a year. For the first time since Don left 4 years ago, his picture wasn't up on the site. It was sort of bittersweet for me, as I loved him being a glassblower. But we never would have made it as a one income family if he had stuck with it. He doesn't miss it. But I do.

This picture above was taken when I was pg with Cyan over 7 years ago now. We got him the pager in his pocket just in case I went into labor. He had been at the glass shop then for 9 years. It was another 3 years before he left for good.
We spent most of our courting and early relationship at this glass shop. Me sitting behind him while he wielded 2100* molten glass around making it into something pretty. He was often there at 5:30am (always a half hour late, he has never been a morning person...), and left around 2pm.
This is Brian, he owns the glass shop now, but back then, he was the Foreman. He made a good boss, and is still a friend.

This picture is when we first met. He was doing a demonstration with dry paper for the crazy high flame effect (they usually use wet). Don had just turned 22 here. That was 10 years ago. It is amazing how time flies, we have been together nearly 10 years. We have had two children, and both have gone through college. We have switch careers, and built a life. We have made choices and found ourselves. And we have done this together. I know that is pretty rare, but I am realizing that it isn't as rare as I thought. More and more people I know are finding that they are in their marriages for the long haul. But it doesn't seem like a 'haul' at all!
Nice pictures! I remember when Don was a glassblower and had forgotten that that is what he did previous to his current job. I know what you mean about your marriage being in it for the long haul. Joe and I have been together since '98 (Devin was almost 2 when we met) and we're definetely in it for the "long haul".
Thanks for sharing this story of you and Don, it was nice to read it was nice reading....and seeing the glass blowing pictures are so cool!!
Wonderful story and how very true. Wm and I met in 88. Our first date was New Year's Day of 89. We married in 93, met with divorce lawyers in 98, got our collective stuff together and Katie was born in 01. We've now been married for 15 years and I've known him for over half of my life.
We too are in it for the long haul. And yes, in our lives so much has changed and so much will continue to change over the years. When we look back in 10 more years it'll be interesting to see how we've changed from now.
I took those picutures!!!
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