When you move, it is like you have to come off auto-pilot. You can't just take a drive to your favorite store, take a walk, or even make a sandwich without making sure you know where everything is. Cooking has been hard for me this last month. I honestly haven't done much of it. The world has felt upside down... but in a good way. I am really enjoying the new house. But I have to think about EVERYTHING.
Where is the bread?
Ok, where is the knife?
Ok, now I have those things, is the meat buried in the freezer (which is buried in boxes) out in the garage?
No, got it.
Ok, now I have to find the cheese...
Did we even buy cheese?
I am getting better. Three days ago I tried to make a 'home cooked meal' in my new house.... and ended up making salad and buying a take-and-bake pizza. I just didn't know where everything was.
This issue was compounded by two things: The last two places I lived in had either a TINY kitchen (not much to learn), or a kitchen I had known for my entire life (not much to learn). This kitchen is wonderful. It is well organized and some of the things I will really enjoy once I get used to them (gas stove, huge strangely organized shelves). But I am not used to them. Which makes cooking here a pain.
I feel like I am passing that hump though. Tonight I made stroganoff, garlic green beans and even warmed up chocolate lava cakes from Trader Joe's. Last night I made potato Au gratin with feta and pesto, salad, and fresh baked bread. I am still doing things like buying Trader Joe's cakes, and buying bread dough to make my bread out of because I have no idea where the hook to my mixer is... but I am coming over that hill. I am starting to feel like I could find the garlic powder had I needed it and things would have been ok.
I feel almost triumphant about it really. Like I have conquered something.
I am also very tired. That may have something to do with the babbling. ;)
Night all. :)
1 comment
Hey there! I haven't checked in in awhile, I didn't realize you moved! Best wishes for your new place.
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