This year, with this big beautiful room, I had a bit of a challenge. The biggest challenge being able to reach the ceiling. I am tall, but goodness... to put some of these beauties up I was on a 3 ft stool... on my tippy toes.
However, to see my children wake up this morning to this was well worth it.
When I told my friend Sarah about the plan she told me that at least I didn't have to take them down right away... technically they are 'winter' decor and not just Christmas... so I could leave them up until March. Smart lady.
BTW... this is the first White Christmas we have had here in my lifetime. I have lived here for all but 2 winters of my 30. We have had dustings of snow the day before and sometimes the day after, but it was always gone on Christmas day... today, I built an igloo with my kids after gift time was over. Yes. We have SNOW. :)
It won't last much longer though.... "rain" is in the forecast for as long... well as long as they will forecast.
I love it Val- it looks beautiful :)
Would love to know how you made the large paper snowflakes!(If the link you posted along with this is for them,I clicked on it,but it was for something else?).
My apologies,I typed "snowflakes" instead of "stars"!
Chasey, this is the link that was supposed to come up. Not sure why it isn't working anymore! So sorry about that. And thank you for all your sweet comments. I have enjoyed getting to know you a little bit. :)
Thank you Val!!!I just love these stars.Will be making these with my daughter's!
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