Monday, July 13, 2009

My wonderful garden!

What a joy this space is to me. I can't even tell you. I love planning for it for next year almost as much as I love getting dirty in it this year... I have got BIG plans. :)

Herbs. Above is my thyme, tiny basil (that one in the front is very potent basil... isn't that interesting?), and in the back: parsley.

And this is regular sweet basil. This plant was a housewarming gift from my friend Heather. It is growing SO well! I just love watching it leaf out.

Late beans. Yes, these are my beans as of today. They were planted terribly late, but with all the other stuff going on it was late or never. I hope they fruit before the first frost... but for now, I am just enjoying their little faces popping up all over the garden bed.

The tomatoes in the garden are growing, slowly but surely. They all have tiny green tomatoes on them now, and tons of little yellow flowers!

And these babies are on the kids summer experiment with the Topsy Turvy. I am amazed to say it works great! Not better than the 'control' tomato... but just as well. Isn't that strange? These plants can grow down! And these babies should be wonderful tomatoes as well... Only a few more weeks until they are red and ready to go into our all garden salad!

It was like a meditation tonight being out there... collecting peas for seeds for next year, turning over rows for lettuce, kale, and other cold weather crops, checking on tiny tomatoes, and watering herbs. It was heaven. It felt so good to be out, getting my hands in the soil, and being able to see my bounty growing again. I can't believe I ever thought I could live without it.



Technoman 2 said...

Garden is looking pretty good I am into growing tomatoes as well, plus green beans and a few other vegetables. Its good fun and very rewarding.

S said...

Hi Val!! I so miss reading your blog! Facebook got it's evil tallons into me again and that's where I've been hiding, but I miss my bloggy friends and I'm going to start updating my blog again. Love your garden. It feels so good to watch things grow and tend them. Hope you are well. I'll be back-reading your blog to catch up on what you are up to.

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks great!!

My tomatoes are green and ripening now and I have lots of flowers too. My celery is done and my potatoes have stopped flowering, meaning they will be done in a few weeks. (And I will be here to harvest them!) I am already picking zucchini and making bread as well as eating some of it cut up. My green peppers struggled this year, for some reason. Normally they do very well. The onions? Dont even get me started with the onions!! I grew four different varieties and they are all doing wonderful too! A great garden year for us as well, Val.

Glad to see you are back to gardening! I know you missed it.

Lisa said...

Your veggie and herb patch looks similar to mine. My beans are just forming too and I have a lot of green tomatoes.

Lisa ;)

Sarah said...

We tried upside down tomatoes in cutoff milk jugs. They grew well, until it stopped raining every other day and I forgot to water. Oh well. We are nearing 100 lbs of tomatoes for this season!

Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog said...

Wow! The topsy turvy worked so well! That is amazing! Emily planted cherry tomatoes in one last year, and we got some tomatoes from it, but not nearly as many as you. Your garden looks beautiful... you must be so excited!!

kimberlee said...

Your garden is always such an inspiration. Mine looks nothing like that.

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