Thursday, September 30, 2010

The start of something beautiful....

... usually means something ugly.

This is the start of what will be a beautiful chicken coop! It only has supports and a roof so far, but soon it will have a back, nesting boxes, and a couple of roosts for my girls to enjoy the winter in. We are still trying to figure out how to run electric out there for the lamp and water defroster this winter. But aside from that, we are just waiting on funds (we do everything we can in cash, even big projects).

I can't wait to see how it is going to turn out.... and hopefully it will come just about the same time my girls start laying!



ColorSlut said...

It will be great! I love seeing the chickens out and about!

Frannie said...

We've only had our chickens for 4 weeks now but I'm beginning to wonder about the winter rains and how they will weather through them. this is a great idea. we just have an old dog house from the neighbors that we raised and converted into a nest box but the actual coop is all in the open and already turning to a mud pit.
Speaking of you follow some sort of budget you could share? I'm always looking for advice in that area:)

Christie, Describe Happy said...

I don't post often, but I enjoy reading through your blog! I'm really excited about the thought of raising chickens! I look forward to seeing the progress you make and cheering with you as the first eggs are laid.

Amber said...

It looks great already!

Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie, I work in the marketing department of a major garden center on the East Coast and we publish a magazine for our customers. I'm currently putting together our Holiday issue and wanted to run an article on how to make a yule log. While searching online, I came across your blog entry from last December and it would be perfect to feature in our magazine! Of course I would give you complete credit, but I was wondering if you could email me at asedor at homesteadgardens dot com to talk more about it. Sorry, I can't find another way to email you directly. Thanks! Ann-Marie

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Saw this on Instructables and thought of you and your chickens --

: )

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