Monday, July 2, 2012

Boy’s Days

Cyan went to stay at a friends house this weekend.  So it was just me and the boys.  I was in cleaning mode when she left which led to a discovery in Alex’s closet.  I don’t think that kid had a scrap of clothing that fit without holes in it!

So while I was thrifting this weekend, I was on a mission for pretty much a whole new wardrobe for that kid… and he got one! He is set for the summer and the start of the school year. This lead into a 4 hour clothes fashion show with his new duds so I could compile a list of outfits that were tasteful, modest, and looked good together.  We ended with taking pictures of his newly arranged outfits and making a photo collage so that he can reference this for outfit ideas when he is stumped.

Alex collage_thumb[3]

From then we moved on to fun. 

First, some sports camp at church:


Then, Ultimate Frizbee on the most beautiful day we have had in weeks!


Dad went to work and I stopped by the store to grab some diet Coke and Mentos to play with:

_MG_8214  _MG_8218  _MG_8222 

And after making their favorite dinner (Stroganoff with Bison meat) I got out some duct tape and made a jet pack out of the diet Coke bottles for Logan.

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He has worn that jet pack for the past 24 hours strait if you don’t count sleep time.  He jets all around the house with it.  He is demanding I make him a wrist band that controls the jet pack and is requesting a helmet as well… we shall see buddy.  Winking smile


Luke this whole time was content to putter around and have tastes of our root beer floats which were the requested ‘boy’ dessert…  But Logan has grand plans of making him a jet pack too… out of the smaller root beer bottles!  What can I say?  Give boys duct tape and recyclables and they will create a whole world!


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