Sunday, August 5, 2012

The greyest summer ever

Seriously?  Oh why, iPhone app, do you get my hopes up so??




Unknown said...

Oh M'Gosh! I'll trade you! I'm SO tired of 100°+ weather! We're finally coming down to the high 90s... I hope the downward trend continues. At least to the high 70s.

(My DH works in a flour mill... a big metal building... with lots of huge equipment running all day. (No A/C) He literally works in a great big oven, so I'm not the only one thankful for the slowly dropping temps! LOL)

Val in the Rose Garden said...

I think we DID trade! It is now 92* here today and not looking to go down by much for the next week. lol... I queued that picture last week when we had literally had three days over 75* all year long. Like in all of 2012! Now we have had two 90* days and I am loving it! We are outside except in the mid day and playing in the water, building a playhouse, and enjoying this beautiful weather! I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather we have sent you. ;)



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