Thursday, August 13, 2015

Making of a pantry – DIY Kitchen Remodel phase 3

I really love food.  And in this love, I have always had a pantry.  Even when I had to build it myself.  This is the third phase of our DIY remodel and perhaps the most impressive…. because I built a room in my house!  It has been in for over a year now and we used it many times a day.  It is the best investment I have put into my kitchen so far. 


Within weeks of moving in, I had built my pantry on the empty wall.  I actually do not have a true ‘before’ picture of this corner.  So this is the before:


4 years later, I decided to turn this wall into some much needed storage space.  I took down the shelves I made and turned this corner into a pantry:


It was a big adventure which took a weeks of planning and about 6 days of construction.  We got a puppy the day before I started building so I was pretty much on my own during this build as everyone else was in honeymoon ‘puppy’ and the puppy was sure this corner was just for him.  (He really was super cute…. )


But 6 days later, we had this!


In Dec of 2013, I paid a neighbor and friend with a woodshop to make me cabinets for the empty spaces.  This one, next to the pantry, has a garbage drawer beneath and a full sized cabinet above.

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2014-11-28 002

We painted them white the next month and they blended right into the kitchen as if they had always been there!

2015-01-26 021_thumb

We asked a friend to help us cut and put in the butcherblock countertops.  It took him two whole days and I am SO grateful that he was willing to put that time in because I had NO idea what I was doing with that!

With the countertops and tile in, this whole space looks like it was always here, which, of course, the goal of any good remodel.  But to the DIY remodeler, having this type of success is a goal worthy of a whole post.  


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