Friday, August 15, 2008

Olivia, oh wait... Cyan...

See anything familiar?

I have a spirited daughter. I have been getting messages lately that I need to 'fix' this. I keep wondering why. Aren't the spirited women the ones who do great things?

Yes, oh heck yes! She tires me out, makes me use my brain to find logical consequences for doing things like finger painting the dog at 3 years old, using bad words (correctly, I might add) at 5, or just the other day 'experimenting' with a 'very small glass of water' and our DVD remote control.

If you have ever read the book Olivia by Ian Falconer, it IS my daughter. Right down to 'moves the cat'...

She wears me out! But she has one of the most amazing minds I have ever met. And she reminds me a lot of me... but only after I grew a spine from all the crap I had to deal with as a kid. Oh, the things I could have done...

This girl will soar.



Kelli said...

what a beautiful post :) I am really enjoying reading your blog, thankyou.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to share a picture of Morgan, our cat. They could be related. Cute post!

erika~ the inspired mama said...

ummmm, i think our girlies may be kin of some sort, lol! esme' also likes to "move our cat" :) we have often compared her to olivia as well... i love the pages in that book where she is getting dressed and there are discarded outfits everywhere! another one that reminds us of our little girl is lilly from kevin henkes books.

i thought you might appreciate this beautiful olivia quilt a friend made for my blessing shower gift last year. it inspired my fairly new found love for fabric and sewing machines...


S said...

Awesome! I have an ehem... "spirited" grrrl too. I know she is bound for greatness. We ladies kinda have to come in kicking sometimes...

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I have one of those girls too, right down to the cat thing!!!! She is a mini-me in so many ways and yes, if I had been guided better, in younger days..... My precious girl will be an amazing woman too!!! Thanks for sharing!

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