Friday, November 20, 2009

A field trip to remember. For sure.

Hey kids! It's field trip day... Lets go feed some animals!

How about a Fallow Deer buck?

Or a Elk cow?

Oh yes... that is Bison slobber.

I'll fill you in more tomorrow. For now... just pictures.



pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Love that tongue!! It reminds me of a giraffe tongue : )

sarah in the woods said...

Oh that looks fun!

Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog said...

That does look like fun! It reminds me so much of the drive thru zoo in Natural Bridge, VA. The girls had a BLAST there!

Petula said...

Wow, talk about up close and personal. Great photos.

Unknown said...

Wow. A field trip to remember, for sure! Awesome shots.

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