My sweet bitties are laying. And they must have been waiting for the heat lamp because all of a sudden we are getting 3 to 4 eggs a day! YAY! Their coop STILL isn't finished, but it is warm and dry and they are obviously loving it...
Except when they decide the house looks cozier:

It's great to be an urban farm chick!

Oh, how sweet. I would love to have a few chickens, but are neighborhood doesn't allow it. Bah and Humbug. Enjoy those wonderful looking eggs.
I looked out the back door today at lunch and about 15 chickens were sunning themselves and "dust" bathing right outside the door. It's 29* out and the back deck is the warmest place to be. Congrats on your first eggs!
That's exactly where my hens hang out. Congrats on the eggs--so exciting!
That's where mine are right now too! What kind are the blond looking ones?
Our chickens did the same thing when Winter came! They started laying when the heatlamps came on. Very cool for you guys!
I have two Buff Orphingtons, a Black Astrolorp, an Americauna, and a Light Brauma. :) It seems the Astrolorp, Orphingtons, and Brauma are the ones that are laying. Brauma is a in the middle breed so she will only give about 4 eggs per week. The Americauna lays green/blue eggs, and we haven't seen one of those yet, so she has a hiding spot under a bush somewhere, or she isn't laying quite yet.
It's SO MUCH FUN! :)
Congrats on eggs!! Ha, imagine if they found their way in. Too funny and smart chickies!
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