Thursday, August 25, 2011

Flavored Water Break

My body requires that I drink about a gallon of water a day.  Yes, you read that right.  Between breastfeeding my 6 month old, P90X, and just it being summer time 100 oz is what is recommended to be by my naturopath to protect my milk supply and head off mastitis (which I have had twice this time around!  Blech!).  But let me tell you, 100 oz of water a day gets BORING.  I started adding lemon and slices of cucumbers into my water.  Then my friend gave me a set of 4 old milk bottles that she found at a garage sale and I went crazy. 


Here is what we have tried so far (and if it was good for the kids or not):

  • Slices of Lemon
  • Slices of Lime
  • Sliced Watermelon
  • Sliced Watermelon & Sliced Kiwi (kids say no)
  • Slices of Orange
  • Pineapple Sage (my current favorite)
  • Fresh Mint
  • Fresh Chocolate Mint
  • Cucumber (we used the lemon cukes out of the garden, they worked great!)
  • Cucumber with Fresh Basil (kids say no.  I thought it was great!)
  • Pineapple
  • Blueberries (kids say no)
  • Lavender (kids say no)

And I am still looking so this is what we are trying next (please, let me know if you have tried any of these!):

  • Slices of Ginger
  • Coffee beans (just a few?)
  • Lavender & Blueberries
  • Celery

I have tried so many different kinds of water in the last few weeks and it has made getting my daily ration of water SO much easier!  I hardly even have to think about it.  I have three or four different kinds of water in my fridge at all times.  It feels like a treat to fill up my cup.



Becka said...

Val, how exactly do you make it? And have you thought about trying strawberry?

Committed Recycler said...

I love slices of ginger in water. This was also my remedy for four months of "morning sickness" which was almost constant with my first pregnancy.

I've also done frozen peaches, strawberries and raspberries.

Val in the Rose Garden said...

Hey Becka, I honestly just put about a half cup of whatever I want into the half gallon jar and then fill it with filtered water and put them in the fridge.



Ari said...

Try ginger and lemon... delicious! I have to say, I am psyched to try pineapple sage. Thank you for the idea!

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